VegPlotter Blog


Quick Start Guide

By Richard Lewis
Quick guide to get you planning your vegetable garden with Vegplotter as quickly as possible.

For this short guide we are assuming that you have already registered for a VegPlotter account. If not you'll need to do that here

Once registered and logged in you'll have full access to all of VegPlotter's vegetable garden planning goodness. So lets walk you through how to create your vegetable garden (plot) in VegPlotter.

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How to use VegPlotter from your mobile cellphone or tablet

By Richard Lewis
Our vegetable garden planning software is fully functional on phones and tablets

You'll be pleased to know that our Vegetable Garden Planning software works just as well on mobiles (cellphones for the US) and tablets, as it does on your computer.

You don't need to install anything either as it has been designed to work through your phone or tablet's internet browser (Safari on iPhones, Silk on Kindle, and Chrome on Android etc).

All you need to do is browse to

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How to delete an unwanted plot

By Richard Lewis
how to delete an unwanted plot from vegplotter's free vegetable garden planning software

Have you been trying out various layout ideas in our vegetable garden planning tool. If you have you may have a lot of unwanted plots that are making your MyPlots menu look untidy.

To tidy this up you can delete any unwanted VegPlotter plots from the Plot Settings menu.

  1. Open the plot you want to delete
  2. Open the right hand plot settings menu (click or tap the cog icon)
  3. Under the more settings menu (three dots on top right) there is a Delete option

See screenshot above.

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New Allotment Journal & Notes feature (plus other improvements)

By Richard Lewis
We're added some new features to our vegetable garden planner.

I'm excited to to let you know that I have released a new version of our vegetable garden planner. This short video takes you through the new features. I've also summarised the changes in the rest of the article if you prefer to read about them.

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New Feature: Borders and Boundary Shapes

By Richard Lewis
We've added some new features to VegPlotter that allow you to make out areas of your allotment or vegetable garden plans

You can now add borders and boundaries such as fences and gates to your vegetable garden plans. These work in a very similar way to bed and structures. Simply drag them on to your VegPlotter plan and then position and reshape to match your fence or border.

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