How To Create Your First Vegetable Garden Plan

This page takes you through how to create your first vegetable garden or alloment plan.

To use our free vegetable garden planner, you first need to register. Once you have an account, you can do the following to create a new vegetable garden or allotment plan.

To create a new garden or allotment plan you can click the [My Plots] and then [Create New Plot] option from the main menu. See screenshots for mobile and larger screens below.

Main on mobile

Screencapture showing the VegPlotter main menu for mobile screens with the Create New Plot option highlighted

Main on larger screens

Screencapture showing the VegPlotter main menu for larger screens with the Create New Plot option highlighted


To open the main menu on mobile, tap the icon at the top left of the screen.

Once your new plan is created you can move on to one of the following steps: