VegPlotter Blog


Approaches to growing vegetables; Rows, raised beds, SFG, Permaculture, Hügelkultur, and Cottage gardens

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
There are many different approaches to growing vegetables we've summarised some of the most popular and interesting ones to get you started.

If you want to grow food, then it may be interesting to examine agricultural methods worldwide to help you decide the best way for you. From straight rows to raised beds to Square Foot Gardening, you can look at Permaculture, Lunar gardening, and Hügel beds. It is important not to grow the same vegetable on the same plot of the ground every day to avoid pests and soil depletion. If this sounds like gobbledegook, keep reading for five popular methods of growing vegetables in the 21st century.

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What Veggies can I grow? New Zealand

By Richard Lewis
Need some inspiration on what Veggies to grow in your area?

A wide range of fruit and vegetable crops are grown in New Zealand. They include oranges, lemons, avocados and persimmons, which grow in the warm north. Berries, olives and nuts grow in cooler areas.

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What Veggies Can I Grow? Australia

By Richard Lewis
Need some inspiration on what Veggies to grow in your area?

Australia is huge and has a very diverse set of climates. In the US growing zone terms, climates range from USDA zones 7-12 across the continent. But Australia has its own hardiness zone rating system that differs from the US. The Australian system uses the lowest temperature for an area to create zones from 1 to 7.

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What is Square Foot Gardening?

By Richard Lewis
Square Foot Gardening has been around for a long time but it is still new to many gardeners. This guide will teach you the key points of this unique gardening approach.

Square Foot Gardening has been around since 1981. It was created as an approach to grow more vegetables per square foot of ground.
In summary, Square Foot Gardening is the approach of separating vegetable beds into 1-foot square sections. Plants are added to each section rather than sown in rows as they were traditionally grown.

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7 ways your smartphone can help you garden

By Richard Lewis
iPhones, Android on Windows Phones can all help you in the garden or allotment.  Here's how...

Disconnecting (from digital world) is a big plus for gardening. I have often left my phone at home to allow me to get away from it all and focus on the task a hand. But there are many benefits to taking your smartphone with you. This article points to some areas where you may find your smartphone beneficial.

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